The Importance of Creativity
In a world where creativity is somewhat embraced, but isn’t seen as nearly as important as money, power, or status, how do we respond to this? Is creativity just an emotional whim that is meant as part of our private lives, or is it something more? I would like to delve into the importance of creativity to the spirit, how it’s critical to our lives and should be part of our self-care habit and not an afterthought.
Why is Creative Expression Important?
A few days ago I saw a Ted Talk about art, it was called “Stop Making Art and You Die” by Rich Theroux. I found it very inspiring, he spoke about the importance of the practice of art in our everyday lives and about the vulnerability and humility that we learn through being artists.
It really made me think about why art is so important to me and why I believe creative expression is so significant. I believe that it helps us to express ourselves in ways that we may not be able to verbalize. It’s easy to make light of the self-discovery that art brings, the baring of our souls in our art. Being willing to put our work out there and share with the world a part of who we are is not an easy thing. It takes so much vulnerability and it is risky. Some people will appreciate our creative expression. However, others may not respond well and are not always kind in their opinions.
But what is the alternative? Do we stay “safe,” hiding who we truly are and deprive the world of something new and unique that may impact someone’s life? Or do we embrace the vulnerability that creative expression demands. We must understand that with every step forward it might be uncomfortable. There will be fear. But we have something that we need to share. Do we allow ourselves to be vulnerable; knowing that with the vulnerability there is risk? But with that risk comes so much freedom of expression.
We are Designed to be Creative
I believe as people we are designed to be creative. My personal belief is that we are created in the image of our Creator and He wants us to be creative. I believe that we are not fully living or fulfilling our purpose if we do not pursue creativity. It is part of who we are at such a deep level that without it we don’t ever truly express who we are. I feel the expression of creativity, whether it’s in a painting, arranging flowers, planting a garden or some other artistic expression is as important as breathing. It is that important to our soul, to our very identity.
Not Judging our Creativity
I think one of the hardest things is to be vulnerable enough to let our creativity stand for what it is. To not judge it or be critical of what we’ve put out there.
I recently had an opportunity to do a live painting demonstration at church during the morning service. As the band was leading the music in morning worship, I had been asked to paint on stage showing that creative worship is possible in more than one way. It was a very interesting experience- it’s the first time that I’ve ever done anything like this and I thought I would be more nervous about it. Instead I was surprisingly calm.
I had made the decision in advance that I was going to paint, not with any expectation but just to show my personal self-expression. That this was my offering to God, that I wouldn’t judge it, criticize it or expect it to be anything more than what it was. I actually found it to be a really fun and freeing exercise instead of being stressful or traumatic. I was also excited to have people come by after and talk to me about my work, it was such an encouragement. It really showed me that I needed to continue to put myself out there because if I didn’t, I could miss out on some really wonderful experiences.
I am an Artist, not an Imposter
I continue to take art classes, to study under local artists so that I can continue to practice and improve. With every art class I take, for every time that I step out to learn something new, I learn more about myself. I have had some art classes where I’ve felt like an imposter- just waiting for someone to say “She’s not really a painter.”
So often we are so much more critical of ourselves that we should be. What I find in most art classes is that I’m encouraged to be better and to get better. People are very kind about my art, but they also suggest things that might help me based off of their personal experience. The fact that I have such a safe environment to learn and to grow in my skill is a very special thing.
I know that I have things to learn and that with every painting I can see a progression towards more and more mastery of the medium. It’s hard not to compare. We see ourselves as “imposters” because we haven’t been doing art as long as others or are not professional artists (yet). I believe the key is to continue to try, to push, to practice and see what we can accomplish.
How About You?
I would love to hear about your creative journey and what helps you embrace the process of creativity. Please feel to contract me here or add your comment below.