Welcome to Hop-A-Long Studio
Over the last few years I’ve come to understand how pivotal art and creativity has been to my own self- care. Having spent most of my working life in a corporate environment, I have always found it hard to “turn off” at the end of the day.
How did I deal with the pressure and stress of the workplace? I found artistic and creative expression through mediums such as mixed media painting, art journaling and photography. They have been especially helpful to be able to express my feelings, to understand them and to move past them.
In 2018 I hit a crossroad. I was on the road to serious burn out and my doctor had told me that I needed to make significant changes if I didn’t want to completely destroy my health. I knew that I had to take drastic action. I made the choice to leave the corporate world, to take a step back and evaluate the direction of my life and what was truly important.
Through this time of self-discovery I’ve realized that I am not very good at self-care. It is a skill I need to develop. I wanted to share on this website what I’ve learned so far on this journey of self-care. I would love you to join me as I continue to learn how to be kind to myself, love others and find creative passion and joy through artistic expression.
What’s in a Name?
The inspiration for the name “Hop-A-Long Studio” came from watching my pet rabbits playing. One moment they are incredibly brave. Running around the house, chewing everything and are incredibly confident and bold. The next moment they are hiding and fearful. Jumping at every little sound- they are so afraid that something is going to eat them.
They remind of how I feel at times. There are moments of bravery and courage. There are other moments of being so fear-filled that I don’t know if I dare to take a step forward. To me, it’s a reminder that we can be both fearful and courageous. That every stage and experience can bring both positive and negative things to our lives. I believe that by giving ourselves the space to learn, to make mistakes and become better from the experience is pivotal in self-care and personal development. Our lives are a journey and it can be exciting or scary but so incredibly fulfilling.