What is Art Journaling and Why Should I Try It?
If you’re new to art journaling you may be asking yourself this question: “What is art journaling and why should I try it?” Today I’d like to share with you my thoughts on the importance of art journaling and the three reasons why I think everyone should art journal.
What is Art Journaling?
Art journaling, also known as creative journaling or visual journaling, is a way for us to express our thoughts and feelings in a creative manner. Think of it as a journal not only using words but also imagery, color, and texture.
Art journal pages can be very complex or simple depending on what you want to get out of the process. A page can a few swipes of color and words, or it can be a layered and complex art piece. It really depends on what you want to express and explore through the process of art journaling.
My Journey into Art Journaling
My journey into art journaling started from a desire to explore creativity more deeply as well as develop my art skills. I had been a photographer, scrapbooker and maker for many years but I wanted more out of my creative practice.
At the time, I was going through some challenging situations at my workplace and needed a place to process my emotions. I discovered art journaling as a haven to be able to express my feelings without judgement.
Being able to add imagery and color through the creative journaling process really helped me to work through the struggles I was having. Often by the time I was finished the page, I had clarity about what was really bothering me. I would leave my journaling session feeling less stressed and more balanced.
Why Art Journal
1. A Place for Self Expression

I believe we all need a safe place for self-expression. We should have a place for us to share our emotions and thoughts, without necessarily having to share them with others. This creates a place for working through our deepest emotions in an honest way. We all need a safe space to process our feelings and challenging situations without judgement.
In my art journal pages I’ve been depressed, angry, happy, joyful, and frustrated. Processing our emotions and learning to move past situations instead of dwelling on them can help us to have less stress and lead a happier life.
I love art journaling because it has helped me gain greater emotional intelligence. Moving from the analytical to the creative part of our brains it can help us process things differently. This can help relieve stress and give us a more positive mindset because we have taken the time to care for ourselves.
2. A Place to Chronicle Our Journey

Every journal page is a story and it can show us the journey that we have taken. When I look back at my old art journal pages, I can see that season of my life with new eyes. It always amazes me how far I have come in my journey. Not just artistically, but emotionally.
I love the art journal because it helps me from getting too mired down in my own thoughts. Instead of reliving events repeatedly, journaling can be a great way to express our feelings and leave them there.
Chronicling our journey is important. Being able to see our thoughts expressed as words, images and art can go a long way in helping us embrace the journey. By seeing where we have come from and what we have experienced we can decide where we want to go next.
3. A Place to try out Art Techniques

When starting an art journal, you may feel like you don’t know what you are doing or may not feel very artistic. I love art journaling because you don’t need fantastic art skills for personal self-expression. At the same time, it’s a great place to play, try art techniques and see where they may take you.
The art journal is the perfect place for creative play. You can choose whether you share your creative journal with those close to you. This is very refreshing because we can make mistakes, try things, and learn from them. They never have to leave our book and we can decide if we choose to share them with anyone.
We can be our own worst critic when it comes to learning new things. By having a place to make mistakes and learn, this can go a long way on helping us master creative skills.
Why Do You Art Journal?

I hope that this answer the question what is art journaling and why you should try it. My hope is that this will inspire you start an art journal of your own. If you are looking for creative ideas, this website is full of creative techniques and prompts to get you started. If you are looking to purchase an art journal, check out last week’s post where I share some of my favorite journals for art journaling.
I would also love to hear about your art journaling practice and what made you pick up an art journal. Leave a comment below and I would love to start a conversation with you!
Don’t Take My Word for It
If you are looking for other articles about the importance of art journaling, check out these articles. My hope is that this will inspire a new creative habit that you will enjoy for years to come!
Visual Journaling as a Reflective Practice
Project Supply List

If you are looking for any of the supplies that were used in the video demo, they are listed below.
Hop-A-Long Studio is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Learn more.
Strathmore 400 Series Softcover Watercolor Journal
Cotman Watercolor Paints: Permanent Rose, Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, Purple Lake, Turquoise, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Cadmium Yellow Hue
Mission Watercolor Paints: Lemon Yellow, Permanent Deep Red
Davinci Cosmotop Spin Round Watercolor Brushes
Simple Simmons Size 12 Watercolor Brush
Plaisir Fountain Pen
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