Art Journal Project Using Watercolor Paint and Distress Stains
This week I wanted to share with you an art journal project using watercolor paint and Distress stains. The inspiration for this page was in a moment where I did not feel very creative. Many of us struggle with creative ideas from time to time. I hope this simple page will encourage you to create even when you are not feeling inspired. You are Not Special You might be wondering why I chose this quote for this project, “You are not special, but what you have to offer to this world is valuable.” This thought came to mind when I was running errands a few weeks ago. I had been…
4 Lessons I Learned from Almost Anxious
Today I wanted to share with you the 4 lessons I learned from Almost Anxious. If you have been following my reading list for 2020, this is one of the books that I committed to reading to help my personal mental wellness. Why Almost Anxious? Almost Anxious is a book that was recommended to me by a friend. The premise of this book is how to deal with the “almost anxious” moments in our lives. One of the problems with anxiety is that we are often put into one of two boxes: anxious or not anxious. This criterion is not always helpful. Many of us have anxiety that is above…
Finding a New Normal
Have you been thinking about how to find a new normal in the wake of the pandemic? It has been on my mind over the last few weeks. I had an opportunity this past weekend to visit the Calgary Zoo for the first time since the pandemic. It made me think about how we can find our way back to a healthy routine and finding a new normal in our lives. Â Being Emotionally Disoriented I have mentioned in other articles the feeling of being emotionally disorientated during the pandemic. There have been many good days, but there are other days where I feel like it is a real struggle.…
In Time It’s Going to be Okay
This week I have been reflecting on the changes in life that we all have been experiencing lately. There is so much uncertainty. How do we effectively handle our emotions when things are so unsure? The thought struck me that “In time it’s going to be okay.” Right Now it Does not Feel Okay Right now it does not feel okay. I found that for the first month of social isolation and distancing I was able to stay quite hopeful and focused. The longer this is dragging out, the more I need to force myself to be focused and to practice self-care. It requires more diligence and more focus than…
3 Lessons from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Today I wanted to share 3 Lessons from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, a counter intuitive approach to living a good life. This book was recommended to me several years ago when I started working on my personal self-care and mental health. When I read it, it changed my perspective on many things in my life. Â When I chose books for my goal of reading 12 books in 2020, I added The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck since I it made such an impression on me when I first read it. I want to re-read this book every few years as to not forget…
Goal Setting During COVID-19
Goal setting during COVID-19 may seem like an odd thing to discuss, but I believe it is now more important than ever. If you have been following my site for a while, you will know that I have already shared some of my personal experience with goal setting. I believe that goal setting is an exercise that we should do at least once a year. It needs to be more than a New Year’s Resolution. Goal setting is a tool to help us find purpose and define the goals that are most important to us. In my original article about goal setting, I provided a free goal setting template. This…
3 Lessons I Learned from Daring Greatly
My book review this month is 3 Lessons I Learned from Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. This is a fabulous book about having the courage to be vulnerable and how it can transform our lives. For anyone who wants to greatly improve their self-care and mental health, this book is a must read. I wanted to share with you the 3 lessons that I learned personally from Daring Greatly. I am Uncomfortable with Vulnerability My first lesson from this book was realizing that I am uncomfortable with vulnerability. Brene Brown writes about what she has learned as a shame and vulnerability researcher. She speaks about her interviews with her research…
Building Meaningful Connection During COVID-19
Building meaningful connection during COVID-19 has been the question coming to my mind lately. We could say that now that we are in close quarters with our family and loved ones, it would be easy to build connection. In reality, that’s not always the case. As I have been talking with friends about COVID-19 I’m noticing that the pressure of our new normal is starting to affect people, including myself. In the midst of the pressure of working from home, keeping kids entertained and completing school online, finding a new normal has been challenging for many of us. For those of us that cannot work from home or aren’t working…
How to Live Fearlessly During COVID-19
As many of us are dealing with the recent pandemic it has made me consider how to live fearlessly during COVID-19. I believe that we do need be concerned about the coronavirus. We definitely need to take precautions, but how do we live fearlessly instead of letting fear and worry steal our joy? Fear Based Living It’s easy to fall into fear based living. There was a period in my life where it felt like fear was an all-consuming reality. I was fearful of so many things, including interacting with others. When we are living in fear it is easy to fall into victimhood. Instead of seeing the world as…
Learning to Trust Ourselves
The importance of trust, especially in learning to trust ourselves is a topic that has been coming to mind lately. Trust is not an easy thing to build and it can be damaged very quickly. So how do we learn how to trust others, and even more, how to trust ourselves? Building Trust Building trust sounds like an easy thing, but with trust really being part of our emotional being, how do we build trust that lasts? I’ve been reading “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek this month and I’ve been re-evaluating the way I look at trust. Building trust isn’t an easy thing, especially if you’ve had past trauma…