Looking for a Creative Start to The New Year?
Are you looking for the best way to start your new year? There are so many different thoughts and processes on how to start out the new year the “right way”. But what process will help you meet your goals and get a great creative start to the year? This is a question I’ve been asking myself over the last few months. 2024 was a challenging year for me filled with loss and difficulties. I’m so glad that we’re in 2025 and I can’t wait to see what amazing things come of this year! After trying so many systems and ideas over the past 20 years, I have found…
Unique Collage Techniques with Tissue Paper Gel Prints
Looking for unique collage textures for your art journal? Try using collage techniques with tissue paper gel prints. This is an easy and beautiful way to add layers and textures to your projects. If you’ve been following along for the last few weeks, I’ve shared some of my favorite gel print techniques. Today we will discuss how to incorporate these beautiful papers in your projects in practical ways. In this tutorial I’ll be sharing collage techniques with tissue paper gel prints. More specifically, how to create multiple layers that work together to create beautiful mixed media pages. Hop-A-Long Studio is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site,…
(SM)ART Goals: Starting and Developing Your Creative Goals
As today is the last day of 2021, many of us are thinking about our goals for the coming year. When choosing goals, many of us don’t include our creative goals. We may see it as something fun and frivolous to be slotted in between the practical demands of our lives. Today I wanted to share with you how I set my creative goals for the year and how we can use SMART goals for starting and developing our creative practice. What are SMART Goals? If you haven’t heard about SMART goals, it is an acronym to help you set goals in a way that makes them achievable to reach.…
How to use Pan Pastels
Today I wanted to show you how to use Pan Pastels. Pan Pastels are a new addition to my mixed media work, and I have enjoyed using them to enhance my art. If you have never heard of Pan Pastels, these are a fun and versatile medium. So what are Pan Pastels? Pan Pastels are a soft, highly pigmented pastel that is in a pan form. These are not oil based but instead have a chalk-like feel. One of the benefits of using pan pastels is that you can apply color quickly and easily. They blend well, are highly pigmented and are created to produce very little dust. I enjoy…
Goal Setting During the Summer
Goal setting during the summer can feel like such a challenge. It is a different season and has a different pace to the rest of the year, making it challenging to stay on track with your goals. I was thinking about my personal goal setting. It has now been 6 months and this time has had many changes and challenges that have come with it. Goal Planning How are you doing with you goal planning so far this year? It is halfway through the year and as I promised, I am doing my mid year review. How has this time been for you? A time of feeling motivated and productive…
Goal Setting During COVID-19
Goal setting during COVID-19 may seem like an odd thing to discuss, but I believe it is now more important than ever. If you have been following my site for a while, you will know that I have already shared some of my personal experience with goal setting. I believe that goal setting is an exercise that we should do at least once a year. It needs to be more than a New Year’s Resolution. Goal setting is a tool to help us find purpose and define the goals that are most important to us. In my original article about goal setting, I provided a free goal setting template. This…
Goal Setting: Creativity as a Prompt
A few weeks have gone by since most of us were setting goals or New Year’s Resolutions for 2020. Has it been a struggle to stay on target with your goal? Or are you still feeling really motivated and passionate about your resolutions? Personally, I’m finding some of my goals and habits easy to manage and others more difficult. I tend to procrastinate so it’s taking extra effort to ensure that I stay on track. So the question I have for you today is how do we keep moving forward to stick to our goals for this year? A Creative Way of Keeping Goals Visible An important part of trying…
12 Books to Read in 2020
January has come very quickly and many of us have set New Years Resolutions for the coming year. One of my personal goals was to create a book list of 12 books to read in 2020. I love to read but I don’t always make time for it. My goal was to read books that would help me with my mental health and challenge me in the area of personal growth. As a way to help me with accountability, I will be sharing my impressions of each book with you. My hope is that these books can help you in your journey towards self-care this year. Choosing Books for Personal…
Realistic Goal Setting and New Year’s Resolutions
As 2020 is just around the corner, the topic of realistic goal setting and New Year’s Resolutions comes up in conversation. Goal setting can be a struggle for me, but not because I’m unmotivated. On the contrary, one of my strengths is achieving. I tend to set impossible goals or have too many goals. For goal setting to be effective we must set realistic goals in a way that does not bring stress or guilt. Instead it should bring inspiration and motivation. Goal setting does not have to cause anxiety or be discouraging. It can be a powerful tool to help you meet your goals without punishing yourself. Why Goal…